The Accountancy Licensing Library


Colorado offers the following types of accounting licenses and privileges. Click on the tabs above to learn more about the requirements and procedures for each type of license.

Initial CPA Certificate

Initial License

Initial CPA Certificate. Applicants who have passed the Uniform CPA Examination and are not licensed to practice public accounting in any jurisdiction may apply for an Initial License in Colorado.

NOTE: Colorado provides military benefits to CPA license applicants who are on active duty, in the reserves or National Guard, or are military spouses or veterans.

Click Initial Licensure in the menu bar at the top of this page for additional information.

Please note: The Colorado Board has authorized NASBA's Client Services Department through its Colorado Licensure Division to process applications related to individual and firm licensing. Colorado Licensing can be reached at (866) 350-0017 or by visiting the CPA Licensing - Colorado section of the website. The Colorado Board will review each application during regularly scheduled board meetings.

Reciprocal CPA Certificate

Reciprocal License

Reciprocal CPA Certificate. An applicant having a valid unrevoked license to practice as a CPA from any jurisdiction and planning to relocate to Colorado or practice public accounting as a CPA for a Colorado client must apply for a Reciprocal CPA Certificate.

NOTE: Colorado provides military benefits to CPA license applicants who are on active duty, in the reserves or National Guard, or are military spouses or veterans.

Click Reciprocal Licensure in the menu bar at the top of this page for additional information.

Practice Privileges

Practice Privilege / Mobility / Interstate Practice

Practice Privileges. Additional information regarding Practice Privileges can be found at 3 Code Colo. Regs. § 705-1(1.14).

Effective August 6, 2008: An individual whose principal place of business is not in Colorado shall be presumed to have qualifications substantially equivalent to Colorado's requirements and shall have all the privileges of licensees of Colorado without the need to obtain a Colorado CPA license if the individual:

  • Holds an active certificate or license issued by any state that the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy's (NASBA) national qualification appraisal service has verified to be substantially equivalent to the CPA licensure requirements of the AICPA/NASBA Uniform Accountancy Act (UAA); OR
  • The individual holds an active certificate or license issued by any state that NASBA’s national qualification appraisal service has not verified to be substantially equivalent with the CPA licensure requirements of the UAA, but such individual obtains from NASBA’s national qualification appraisal service verification (CredentialNet) that such individual’s CPA qualifications are substantially equivalent to the CPA licensure requirements of the UAA.

Please Note: Any individual who passed the Uniform CPA Exam and holds a valid license issued by any other state prior to January 1, 2012, shall be exempt from the UAA's education requirement.

Practice privileges extend to the offering or rendering of professional services, whether in person, or by mail, telephone, or electronic means, and no notice or other submission shall be provided by any individual exercising the privilege.

Firm Registration (See 3 Code Colo. Regs. § 705-1(1.14)(B)(2))

Any foreign partnership, corporation, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company that has an active/valid certificate, license or registration to practice public accountancy issued in another state may engage in the practice of accountancy in Colorado without registering with the board if the practice is incident to the entity’s regular practice outside Colorado. The entity shall conduct the practice in conformity with the rules promulgated by the board.

Discipline by the Colorado Board (See 3 Code Colo. Regs. § 705-1(1.14)(C))

  • Licensees who hold a practice privilege are subject to jurisdiction and the disciplinary authority of the Board. The Colorado Board may deny, revoke, suspend, fine, issue a letter of admonition, place on probation, impose other conditions or limitations or deny the practice privilege to the holder for violation of the Colorado Board's laws or rules.
  • If an individual practice privilege holder's certificate, license or permit to practice as a CPA or the firm's permit is limited or subjected to any form of discipline or denial by a jurisdiction other than Colorado while exercising the practice privilege in Colorado, the practice privilege holder must notify the Colorado Board within 30 days of the action taken by the other jurisdiction.

Foreign Individuals (See 3 Code Colo. Regs. § 705-1(1.14)(D))

An individual who holds a degree, certificate, or license in a foreign country to practice public accounting may provide professional services in this state without a certificate issued under the Act or a certificate or license issued by another U.S. jurisdiction, provided that:

  • The degree, certificate, or license is a recognized qualification for the practice of public accounting in that country and the certificate or license is active and in good standing;
  • The individual’s principal place of business, as defined in Rule 1.14(B), is not in this state; and
  • The practice is incident to the individual’s regular practice outside this state. “Incident to” means the professional services provided are temporary and a subordinate component of professional services otherwise performed outside of this state.

Contact Information Required (See 3 Code Colo. Regs. § 705-1(1.14)(B)(3))

Any person authorized to use the title "Certified Public Accountant" or "CPA" must provide an address and telephone number for the CPA's firm or sole practitioner to any client residing in or headquartered in Colorado.

For mobility purposes, "CPA license" means a CPA license or certificate granted by the state board after all education, exam and experience requirements have been met. A CPA performing services through mobility may only perform the same level of services (attest or non-attest) in the mobility jurisdiction as he or she is permitted to perform in the home jurisdiction. Please note the following if you are coming from one (1) of the jurisdictions listed:

  • An Alabama certificate holder may not hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
  • A Connecticut certificate holder may not hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
  • An Illinois certificate or registered certificate holder may not hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
  • Both a Hawaii CPA license and permit are required in order to hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
  • A Kansas certificate holder may not hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
  • Both a Nebraska CPA certificate and permit are required in order to hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
  • An Oklahoma registrant must hold an active permit In order to hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.

Click Practice Privilege in the menu bar at the top of this page for additional information.

Firm License

Firm Registration

Firm Registration. Any firm or office thereof established or maintained for the practice of pubic accounting in the state of Colorado must register with the Colorado Board.

Click Firm Registration in the menu bar at the top of this page for additional information.

Relinquish a License / Surrender a License

Relinquish a License

License Relinquishment: Any individual CPA licensed in Colorado who no longer wishes to hold said license/permit to practice may let their Colorado CPA license expire. Alternatively, a Colorado certificate holder may voluntarily surrender his/her CPA certificate by sending a written notice to the Colorado Board along with their wall certificate. Certificate holders who voluntarily surrender their certificates must enter into a voluntary surrender agreement with the Board.

Click Relinquish a License in the menu bar at the top of this page for additional information.