Practice Privilege. Additional information is available at §54.1-4411 and on the Board's website. A CPA whose principal place of business is outside Virginia shall have all the privileges of Virginia CPAs without the need to obtain a license if the individual: - Holds a valid license to practice as a CPA from any jurisdiction deemed substantially equivalent by the Virginia Board; OR
- Has individual CPA qualifications that are substantially equivalent to the following requirements:
- Must be a person of good character as defined by Virginia law;
- Must have completed at least 150 semester hours of education including a baccalaureate or higher degree, and an accounting concentration;
- Must have passed the Uniform CPA Examination.
- Must have at least one (1) year of acceptable experience in accounting or a related field. The experience may include providing any type of service or advice involving the use of accounting, management, financial, tax or consulting advisory skills or services. Acceptable experience shall include employment in government, industry, academia or public accounting or related services.
NOTE: The Virginia Board uses NASBA's Substantial Equivalency list, but persons licensed in jurisdictions noted with one or more asterisk(s) should contact the Board directly.
Consent to Jurisdiction Any person intending to exercise the privileges of a CPA in Virginia and use the CPA title in Virginia shall consent to: - Be subject to (i) the same laws, regulations and standards of conduct applying to holders of CPA certificates issued by the Virginia Board, (ii) the jurisdiction of the Virginia Board in all disciplinary proceedings arising out of matters related to the exercise of practice privileges, and (iii) the Board's authority to revoke this privilege;
- The appointment of the director of the state board that issued his/her CPA certificate or license as the agent upon whom process may be served in any action or proceeding by the Virginia Board against him/her, or in any civil action in Virginia courts arising out of professional activities in the Commonwealth. In the event that he/she holds a CPA certificate or license from more than one state, the Virginia Board by regulation shall establish which director shall serve as agent;
- The personal and subject matter jurisdiction of the courts of the Commonwealth in any civil action arising out of his/her professional activities in the Commonwealth and agree that the proper venue for such actions is in the Commonwealth; and
- Cease using the CPA title in Virginia if he is no longer licensed.
Firm Registration Requirements May Apply (See §54.1-4412.1) A firm that is not required to obtain a Virginia license may provide attest services or compilation services to persons or entities located in Virginia if: - The firm can lawfully provide attest services, compilation services, or financial statement preparation services to persons or entities in the state where its principal place of business is located; and
- The firm complies with the same ownership and peer review requirements as firms located in Virginia; and
- The firm's personnel working on the engagement either (i) hold Virginia licenses or (ii) hold the license of another state and comply with the substantial equivalency requirements of Virginia; OR
- The firm's personnel working on the engagement are under the supervision of a person who either (i) holds a Virginia license or (ii) holds the license of another state and complies with the substantial equivalency provisions of Virginia.
For mobility purposes, "CPA license" means a CPA license granted by the state board after all education, exam and experience requirements have been met. A CPA performing services through mobility may only perform the same level of services (attest or non-attest) in the mobility jurisdiction as they are permitted to perform in the home jurisdiction. Please note the following if you are coming from one (1) of the jurisdictions listed: - An Alabama certificate holder may not hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
- A Connecticut certificate holder may not hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
- An Illinois certificate or registered certificate holder may not hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
- Both a Hawaii CPA license and permit are required in order to hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
- A Kansas certificate holder may not hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
- Both a Nebraska CPA certificate and permit are required in order to hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
- An Oklahoma registrant must hold an active permit In order to hold out or practice as a CPA in a mobility jurisdiction.
Click Practice Privilege in the menu bar at the top of this page for additional information. |